Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Allie Cooking

Today Allie had a little cooking class, it was so cute. They made the ants on a log with celery, peanut butter, & Raisins, then they made a Hot Dog Octopus. They cut up into the hot dog from the bottom and cut several legs, then when they cooked it the legs curled up a little. then they put it on a plate of Roman Noodles died green. So it was an Octopus on top of green seeweed. It was so cute. Then they used mustard and toothpicks to draw a little face on the Octopus. So Fun!!! Allie loved it.


Amber Monson said...

Marie-your cooking class sound great were do you go? Also I cant seem to get on to add to the blog it says my email and password are wrong...maybe you know what I'm doing wrong.amber

Lemmonhead said...

Hey Amber, The cooking class is at Ace Ben Franklin Wed. at 10:00 & 11:00, we go to the 11:00 because it is closer to lunch. You should totally come.